Shuzhan Fan
Sharing is caring.
Geo-tagged tweets collection using Twitter Streaming API and databaseOne research I’m working on is to use Twitter data to predict crime patterns. So, the first thing I need to do is to collect Twitter data. Specifically, since I’m interested in discovering the spat...
Machine Learning Classification Model Evaluation MetricsAfter training the machine learning classification model, we should always evaluate the model to determine if it does a good job of predicting the target value on new unseen data. Among the various...
Running Jupyter Notebook with Apache Spark on Google Cloud Compute EngineApache Spark is a powerful open-source cluster-computing framework. Compared to Apache Hadoop, especially Hadoop MapReduce, Spark has advantages such as speed, generality, ease of use, and interact...
How to install and set up MySQL on MacMySQL is probably the most popular open source SQL relational database. Unfortunately, MacOS doesn’t ship with MySQL. I still remember when I took my first database class years ago, the professor h...
Using Python subprocess for parallel processingUnlike Javascript, which is naturally asynchronous, Python interpreter executes codes in a sequential order. The subsequent jobs have to wait until the completeness of the previous ones. This behav...
My first blogThis is my first blog, EVER! I’ve always been thinking of writing something about the work I do, sharing the knowledge I know, and of course, learning new stuff in turn. Now finally I made my decis...